Whether you are an old school to Internet Marketing or Online Business or have just learned how to Make Money Online By Blogging for Dollars, the Google AdSense program is probably the first and most famous money making program you've ever heard.
Here are the Top 10 Questions I always get every time I do some teaching/coaching on Internet Marketing to someone and I'm going to answer each one.
1.) So What Is Google AdSense?
- Google AdSense is an Online Advertising Program owned by Google. Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted, unobtrusive Google ads on their websites.
2.) How Do I Sign-up for an account?
- If you already have an existing Google Account (Gmail, etc.), then you can apply for a new Google AdSense account for FREE on their website under your existing Google Account.
3.) How Can I Make Sure That My Registration Will Be Approved?
- These Days, It's already very hard to get an approved AdSense account especially when you're still a newbie in Internet Marketing with no existing websites or blogs.
4.) Can I Make Many AdSense Accounts Under One Name?
- No. You can only make one AdSense account under one name. You'll use that one AdSense Account for all your websites and blogs you created.
5.) How Can I Start Making Money on Google AdSense?
- Once you get an approved AdSense account already, then you're ready to start making money online. The easiest way is through Blogging For AdSense Income.
6.) I Have Placed My AdSense Ads On My Blog Already. So How Do I Start Earning?
- Google will pay the Publishers (that's you!) when a 1000 visitors are able to to see the Ads on your site or when a visitor clicks on your Ads. Amount paid depends on the kinds of ads shown or clicked or the Niche of your site.
7.) Why Do I Earn When Someone Clicks On My AdSense Ads?
- When someone clicks on your AdSense Ads, the Advertisers will pay Google (depending on the keyword) a certain amount then Google in turn will Pay a certain percentage of that amount to the Publisher (You) because the click came from one of your sites.
8.) So I Instantly Earn When Someone Clicks On My Ads! Can I Click On My Own Ads Or Tell My Friends To Click On My Ads?
- NO. Again, a very big NO. It's against Google AdSense TOS and Policy to click on your own ads or tell someone to click on your Ads. And IF you do click on your own ads, Google can track where the clicks came from and then consider it as an Invalid Click or a Click Fraud and will then BAN you from the program FOREVER.
9.) When and How Can I Get My Earnings?
- You can only get your earnings from Google AdSense when your earnings have reached $100 or above. If you have reached $100 sometime in December, your payments will be processed by the 15th of January and will be finalized by the end of January.
If you chose to be paid by check, it usually takes 2 months or more for it to arrive at your doorstep (based in the Philippines), but If you chose to be paid via Wester Union, once your payment has been finalized, you can go directly to your local branch and claim your Internet money.
10.) Is Google AdSense Really Legitimate? How Much Have You Already Earned From Google AdSense?
- YES. Google AdSense has been paying Publishers for years already. I myself have already earned a thousand dollars or more from Google AdSense and I highly recommend you give it a try. I know a lot of people here in the Philippines who are already earning Thousands of Dollars a month already even without working!
Now you just learned one of the many Ways To Make Money Through Google AdSense
Jan Mckingley Hilado is a young Internet Entrepreneur who loves
helping other people learn how to start and succeed an Online Business
In The Philippines. You may also get his free course on his website http://www.janmckhilado.com/.
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